Is your IT super secure?

Is your IT super secure?

Our in-house cyber security expert is now recommending local businesses act immediately to secure their IT infrastructure and online services.   A highly complex password and multi-factor authentication are now just basic security measures all businesses should...
Do you struggle with your VPN?

Do you struggle with your VPN?

With many of our mobile workforces now working in a hybrid environment or fully remote, technologies such as VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) have become invaluable when it comes to accessing company information, files and documents.   We are now seeing a growing...
Your “Master Password” Should ALWAYS Be 100% Unique

Your “Master Password” Should ALWAYS Be 100% Unique

A Verizon Data Breach Report that was issued in 2017 revealed that 81 percent of all security breaches that occurred were the result of weak or repeatedly used passwords. It’s no secret that security breaches can cause major havoc, cost exorbitant amounts of money,...
3 Unbreakable Rules Of Business Technology

3 Unbreakable Rules Of Business Technology

Like it or not, technology in business has become one of the driving factors behind so many companies. It’s no longer a game of who you know, what you sell or your unique selling point. The top-performing companies are using technology to beat out the competition and...