• Microsoft wants you to pay for updates
    Microsoft has announced that starting on October 14, 2025, they will no longer provide free support and security updates for Windows 10. While the idea of paying for updates might raise some eyebrows, let’s put this into perspective. By 2025, Windows 10 will be a decade old, and Microsoft is
  • You’re not imagining it, video calls ARE stressful
    You know that feeling when you’ve spent way too much time in virtual meetings, and you’d trade your favorite coffee mug for some real face-to-face interaction? That’s called Zoom fatigue. It turns out there’s scientific evidence to back up what we’ve all been feeling. Recently, researchers from Austrian universities decided
  • An AI-charged blast from the past
    Happy New Year. Remember Microsoft Paint? The simple drawing tool that many of us used to create pixelated masterpieces in our youth? It’s probably not an app you use very much these days. But what if I told you there’s a reason you might want to revisit it right now?
  • The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, and technology often plays a significant role in making the festivities even more memorable. Whether you’re giving or receiving new devices, hosting family gatherings, or simply wanting to ensure the security of your digital and physical assets, these technology tips
  • New A better way to find Chrome extensions
    If you use Google Chrome, you’ll love this. Google has just rolled out a game-changing update that’s going to make your browser more powerful than ever. It’s the revamped Chrome Web Store, featuring a fresh design and exciting new features. Now, if you’re like me, you’ve probably spent more time
  • Is app overload slowing down your team
    Ever had one of those days where you feel like your inbox is staging a coup against your productivity? You’re not alone. In fact, a recent study revealed that 80% of our communications are still happening via email. Yes, despite all the apps, chat services, and digital tools we have
  • You’ve heard of Copilot… but what is it
    What if we told you your business could have its own personal assistant that’s always ready to help, can answer virtually any question, and even change system settings on your devices? It might sound too good to be true, but thanks to Microsoft’s innovative new AI chatbot, Copilot, it’s a
  • MIRACLES OF ROTARY LOCK UP On December 15, 2023, Rotarians and community leaders will be locked up at Strickland’s on Oleander Drive. The jailbirds have to raise money to get the keys to freedom. Money raised will go to purchasing a bomb-sniffing dog for the New Hanover County Sheriff’s office.